Flip Flop France

Sasha, 23 years old, moved 12 hours by flight to Lyon. She will detail her life in France, the joys, the tears all while making to goal to see if she can find the balance between her own personality and the French culture. Advice will also be offered to new expats or people interested in visiting Lyon.


Blog language: English

1Vote[Hits: 46 - Added: 22-05-11]




US American US American expat living in Lyon

  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 18-09-87
  • Move: Usa  France
  • Interest: writing, cooking, reading, france, teaching, giving tours
  • About me: Sasha, 23 years old, moved 12 hours by flight to Lyon. She will detail her life in France, the joys, the tears all while making to goal to see if she can find the balance between her own personality and the French culture. Advice will also be offered to new expats or people interested in visiting Lyon.

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