On Raising Bilingual Children

This blog provides information and discussion for parents raising bilingual children or thinking abotu doing so. I aim to provide information and advice based on the latest research, and integrated into how mobile/expat families live. I also aim to provide practical advice and tips on how to best plan for bilingualism, and how to take bilingualism with you when you leave your community of practice.


Blog language: English

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Canada  expat living in the Netherlands

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Netherlands  Netherlands
  • Interest: Bilingualism, local languages, minority languages
  • About me: I am a Canadian educational consultant, living and working in the Netherlands. My focus is helping families successfully raise bilingual children, either through family languages or host country languages. I also work with schools who integrate large numbers of non-native speakers, doing teacher training, curriculum support and language policy planning. Finally, I work with mulit-national companies, educating parents about their language and school choices for their children. I also have three children who speak English, French and Dutch.
  • Social networks: Facebook Linkedin


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