
Pen2Needle is where I write about my passions – past, present and future. About my travels. About my love of food. About my dislike of anything that requires me to leave the comfort of my cozy bed (Yes, I have sworn an undying oath of allegiance to the CPC – Couch Potato Club. No, I did not just make that up). What you will most likely see at Pen2Needle are snippets about the life and times of a female expat living in the UAE.

Blog language: English

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India  expat living in Abu Dhabi

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: India  United Arab Emirates
  • Interest: Travel, food, photography, crafts
  • About me: I am an irredeemable travel junkie, incorrigible foodie, inherent crafter and ideal student of Calvin and Hobbes' life lessons. An Indian expat based in the UAE, a culturally diverse and vibrant young country.


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