Expats With Cats

Expats With Cats was created to put our dreams of an unconventional life out there for others to see the growth, struggles, and inspirations that will stem from this newfound freedom and adventurous journey.

Above all things, we would love nothing more than to open the minds of others and provide the inspiration and courage to take leaps in life, even if they scare you. ESPECIALLY if they scare you.


Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in Bangkok

  • Move: Usa  Thailand
  • Interest: Travel, Thailand, Music, Creative Writing, Cats
  • About me: We're just two crazy cat lovers that were best friends in middle school and fell in love. Two New Jersey (US) natives, who are currently recovering from an infectious disease called complacency. We're both creative minds with heavy interests in music, writing, and all things artistic. After years in corporate industries and observing our home's culture, we decided that it was time to make a major life change.
  • Social networks: Instagram


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