Roving Jay - Expat Adventures

My expat blog covers local Los Angeles expat life and California road trip information, but also includes my sojourns back home to England, and trips to Turkey and all of the other countries I visit in-between. It's a real mish-mash of content, including travel tips and information; reflections on my return trips to the UK; the story of our house buying adventures in Turkey; and some day to day expat adventures. Recently, I launched an Expat Blog Carnival as a way to feature some of the great expat blog content I encounter on the web each month. These carnivals include an excerpt of the blog post and a link back to the source site. There are loads of great expat blogs out on the web, and it's great to read about other people's experiences and adventures. I love my Kindle, and avidly read Expat biographies. I think the ebook revolution has really opened the door for many more people to share their stories.

Blog language: English

Key words: Expat, Travel, Turkey, US, UK
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UK British UK British expat living in the Usa

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: United Kingdom  Usa
  • Interest: Traveling, Writing, Photography,
  • About me: I'm originally from the flat lands and broad skies of Norfolk UK, but now live in Los Angeles. I think my itchy feet syndrome was born out of my childhood years as an air force brat. I started blogging about 3 years ago, and have multiple sites I manage and maintain. My husband and I bought a house in the Bodrum Peninsula in Turkey about 5 years ago, and I've been exploring and researching that area ever since. This year I published a guidebook for the area, and it was a fabulous opportunity to combine my favourite past times for traveling, writing and photography.
  • Social networks: Twitter Facebook Pinterest


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