Travel Eat Blog

Travel Eat Blog is chronicling Marina's adventures from Russia to the United States and beyond. Travel the world with me!

Blog language: English

2Vote[Hits: 10 - Added: 29-03-18]




Russia  expat living in Arkansas

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Russia  Usa
  • Interest: Cultural and International Travel
  • About me: I grew up in the south of Russia and I have never been outside of the country until I left my hometown to go on an adventure of a lifetime. I won a language and leadership competition at the age of 15 and went to study abroad for a year. After spending a year in the United States my life has never been the same! During my time abroad, on my very first international trip, I discovered a new sense of independence, experienced new culture, and saw how big the world is. That’s when I knew I had to discover the world for myself.
  • Social networks: Twitter Facebook Google+ Pinterest Instagram


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