Finding Dutchland

Finding Dutchland is a lifestyle blog offering inspirational and educational material for all women, with a particular soft spot for expat women, pregnant women and newly minted moms. Launched in the summer of 2013, Finding Dutchland is my brainchild, my honest attempt to lean in and connect. It is a place where I document my day-to-day adventures as a mindful parent to my toddler son, write mostly about the challenge of truly being present, and ponder over the “aha” moments and stumbling blocks of parenthood. I share new discoveries, commenting about stories and ideas that touch my spirit and move me to feel connected to a bigger world. I also divulge insider survival strategies for living a Dutched reality, surviving mommyhood and sharing random bits of information that my natural curiosity unravels. I write about finding my own voice.

Blog language: English

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Finding Dutchland

US American US American expat living in the Netherlands

  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 05-11-82
  • Move: Usa  Netherlands
  • Interest: Parenting, travel, design
  • About me: Hello! I’m Rina Mae, a 31 year old mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend and aspiring writer. I’m also a San Francisco Bay area native, a disillusioned health economist, an accidental expat in the Netherlands, a recovering perfectionist, and a proud UC Berkeley alum. A large part of my day is simply dedicated to keeping my toddler son alive with his innate desire to somehow get himself into harm’s way.
  • Social networks: Facebook


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