Expat Squared

The life and sometimes hilarious adventures of an expat living in Nairobi.


Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in Kenya

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Usa  Kenya
  • Interest: writing, travel, learning languages
  • About me: I first expatriated from the US to London just over two years ago. Had a great job, a great boyfriend, a great flat and a fabulous life with fun friends and activities in London. Now I have a fantastic husband, a huge house, domestic staff I feel strange having around all the time, a dog and am a bit lost on the career front in Nairobi. We moved to Nairobi for my husband's work and it's been a huge and, at times, hilarious adjustment that I'm documenting mainly so that others can laugh. Hey, if I've got to go through some strange cultural adjustment period, it may as well amuse others. I love writing and meeting new people as well as travel, learning languages and playing with my puppy.

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