Expatria Baby

So, this one time, I had a baby in a small city in a country where I knew no one. I couldn't speak the language, and had no friends. I decided that the next logical course of action would be to start a blog and make the Internet my BFF. It totally worked, and Expatira, Baby was born. I also got a couple of real life BFFs out of the deal. So. Sometimes I'm serious. Sometimes I'm ridiculous, but I always write about our nomadic life, and the thorns and triumphs of raising children abroad. I'm drawn to issues in the culture of parenting, photography, and toddler fashion. Which is totally vitally important.


Blog language: English

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Canada  expat living in Indonesia

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Canada  Indonesia
  • Interest: Parenting, Asia, Japan, Indonesia, Baby, Parents, Travel, Photography
  • About me: Hi, I'm Erica. I'm a foreigner. And I have a baby. Ergo, the title of my blog. One day I had this totally bonkers idea to quit my job, say good bye to my friends and family, leave behind all I knew in Canada, and get on a plane trailing my then boyfriend to India. Over the next few years we got married, moved to Switzerland, then to China, Japan, and now Indonesia. Phew. I love airports and train stations, chaotic cities, and traveling without a plan. I get lost a lot. I like pretty dresses, fancy parties, and drinking champagne. Sometimes. Mostly, though I like trips in bajajs, shopping in local markets, wondering through narrow backstreets. I blog, write freelance, and am currently hatching a wild and crazy plan to start a business. But it's still super secret, so shhhhhhh, don't tell anyone.


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