Kritsa, at the heart of it all

Lighthearted reports of my interest and experiences in Crete with insight to local customs.
Going forward, I intend to add more information for visitors to Kritsa.

Blog language: English

1Vote[Hits: 407 - Added: 03-01-16]




UK British UK British expat living in Greece

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: United Kingdom  Greece
  • Interest: Crete and Greece
  • About me: Hi, I'm Yvonne and along with my husband, own a small house in Kritsa, a village on the Greek island of Crete. SInce 2001, when we first used the house for holidays, we have increased the amount of time we live in Kritsa. For various reasons we maintain an apartment in the UK that facilitates our flitting to and from Crete three or four times per year for 6 to 12 weeks at a time. We truly believe we have the best of both worlds. I started my blog to publicise my novel, Kritsotopoula, Girl of Kritsa, based on a true story of rebellion against Ottoman oppression. Since then I've enjoyed interacting with a wide range of people to gain insight to an amazing range hobbies and lifestyles. Please let me know if I can share any specific information of living or holidaying in Crete. Meanwhile, I Iookforward to exploring blogs on this forum. X


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