Mapping Croatia

Mapping Croatia aims to map croatian cultural and natural heritage top to bottom and inspire people to go beyond main tourist attractions. Besides writing about beautiful croatian coast, magnificent nature and fascinating cultural heritage we would like to draw attention to less know croatian heritage features and ways of exploring it. While visiting top landmarks may be an essential part of every trip, we believe less-known paths are excellent way of experiencing the country and getting an impression of local life.

Blog language: English

2Vote[Hits: 404 - Added: 05-03-19]




Croatia  expat living in Zagreb

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Croatia  Croatia
  • Interest: Travel
  • About me: Mapping Croatia is a couple of enthusiasts eager to reveal croatian cultural and natural heritage. We are always on the move dicovering new corners of this beautiful country and would like to share our passion with others. Even though we are born and raised in Croatia we realized this little country hides so many places, traditions and of course food we still need to reveal. That is the reason why we decided to start our adventure of mapping Croatia.
  • Social networks: Twitter


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