Swiss Miss Lex

This blog follows my life as a traveling hotelier student living in Switzerland and my various travel adventures.

Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in Switzerland

  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 14-11-93
  • Move: Usa  Switzerland
  • Interest: Travel
  • About me: Hi there, I’m Lexi! I’m a native Californian in my fourth and final year of studying hotel management in the Alps of Switzerland. Throughout my studies I have also worked and lived in Hong Kong, Ireland and the United Arab Emirates. I love meeting new people, taking lots of pictures, making videos of my trips, and I try to visit at least one new place a year. At 21 years old, I have traveled to 31 countries and have lived in 4 different countries around the world so far. I want to share my passion of travel along with what I’ve learned and inspire people to buy that ticket to their dream destination.
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