The Rebecca Project

The Rebecca Project is the chronicle of a life in progress: of leaving my old home in Sydney for my new home in San Francisco, and now my new-new home in Chicago. I'd love you to join me on this adventure and see what comes next!

Blog language: English

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Australia  expat living in San Francisco

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Australia  Usa
  • Interest: Writing, travel, watching sports, drinking tea
  • About me: G'day! I am Rebecca, an Aussie girl who left a staid, comfortable life in Sydney in search of adventure. I have lived in San Francisco (on and off) since 2007, and it's where my heart lies. But we're currently trying Chicago on for size to see how it suits us. This blog is about my life abroad, our creative projects and living life straddling multiple cities and cultures.
  • Social networks: Twitter Pinterest Instagram

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