America Josh | Moving to America

I want this site to help anyone and everyone in New York City and the US, whether you're still planning to move, have just moved, or have been here your whole life. There's a great benefit to having all sorts of voices in the mix! Most importantly I want to help make the transition from wherever you're from just a little bit easier. I also want this site to work with all the other resources that already exist, and not duplicate anything that is already helpful elsewhere. I'm always reaching out to other websites and services to combine forces, so if you know anyone, please do put them in touch!

Blog language: English

1Vote[Hits: 404 - Added: 12-09-18]




Australia  expat living in New York City

  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 09-08-87
  • Move: Australia  Usa
  • Interest: Being a professional Expat
  • About me: G'day, my name is Josh Pugh! I arrived in New York on January 12, 2017, from Adelaide, South Australia. I'm a 30-year-old Digital Consultant & Strategist (which is a confusing way of saying: websites, social media, and strategy). I had a fantastic life in Adelaide and in Australia but thought in late 2015 that it was time to do something new. I handed over control of my company, sold my house, car, and even gave away my cat ("Aslan") to start on my journey to New York. Why New York? Because, New York. I really don't have a better story about why I chose this place beyond the fact that if you've been here, you know what I'm talking about. The place buzzes and on a brief visit in 2015, I knew I had to come back. So now I'm trying to help others with their move!
  • Social networks: Twitter Facebook Instagram


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