Middle europe

According to good old Wikipedia the term Middle Europe is obsolete or rarely used – Central Europe is the usual term. However when visiting a friend in Finland I was curious to hear that up north that’s what they call us down here. And coming from the southern hemisphere, travelling through the countryside and forests of central Europe reminds me very much of scenes from Middle Earth in “Lord of the rings”. So I’m choosing to go with my Finnish friend’s name for this region: Middle Europe.Whatever you choose to call it, this region basically refers to the countries in the middle or central region of Europe which share some common landscapes and history (although of course each country also has its own histories and culture). The countries commonly included are: Czech republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and Hungary. And according to this map from Wiki, Liechtenstein (haven’t found out where that is yet, time to plan a trip!).


Blog language: English

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South Africa  expat living in Berlin

  • Move: South Africa  Germany
  • Interest: travel
  • About me: Anyway, so writing this blog you have one native Middle European from the Czech republic, and one cizinec (foreigner) from South Africa, both living in Berlin.* We love travelling around and seeing new places, and always take lots of photos but rarely organize them. I always meant to write down my experiences in other places so that one day I could read about them again, as no matter how well you think you’ll remember everything, you never do. So hopefully this blog can be a nice memoir of our experiences living in Germany and our travels to the countries around, and further afield.

Expat interviews

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