Peeps From Abroad

Peeps From Abroad is the blog written by an American Expat, it's a travel diary turned photo journal turned food blog turned life story. Currently exploring the sights and sounds of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the blog was previously based from Guangzhou, China, hence all the references to things Chinese.

Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in Tanzania

  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 18-04-83
  • Move: Usa  Tanzania
  • Interest: Writing, Photography, Food, Travel, and Culture
  • About me: I’m a writer, photographer, and of course, blogger. I'm way too preoccupied with Instagram, and consider my laptop my most important possession (other than my wedding ring...I guess...) I’m currently based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - though as apparent through my ingestion of pies and barbeque every July 4, am 100% American (My husband gets moved around a lot internationally for his job, so I travel the world with him - it’s not a bad gig). I started writing when we moved to China in 2010 and have found happiness in little corners of the online and print universe. I mostly blog about food, culture, and travel, but my personal interests also span design, art, fashion, and environment. As I live abroad, I ferociously devour lifestyle blogs in an attempt to remain cognizant of what’s relevant back home - which inevitably is a bit of a lost cause, but I’ll admit fulfills me nonetheless.
  • Social networks: Twitter Facebook Pinterest Instagram Flickr Linkedin


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