
I was born and raised in Seattle and lived there for 40 years. My father and grandmother were born in Yakima, the heart of apple country. My blog name, Applecore, refers to my deep roots – four generations living, growing and working in Washington. I am now retired and live in Scotland, at least for awhile. I write about the uniqueness of my new home abroad and connections with my past. I travel extensively, and I share stories of my travels as I am able.

Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in the United Kingdom

  • Gender: Male
  • Move: Usa  United Kingdom
  • Interest: travel, reading, blogging, skiing, hiking
  • About me: I was born and raised in Seattle and lived there for 40 years. My father and grandmother were born in Yakima, the heart of apple country. My blog name, Applecore, refers to my deep roots – four generations living, growing and working in Washington. I am now retired and live in Scotland, at least for awhile. My wife and I are now self-proclaimed "Six Monthers" because we move to a new country every six months. ( I write about the uniqueness of my new home abroad and connections with my past. I travel extensively, and I share stories of my travels as I am able.
  • Social networks: Twitter Facebook

Expat interviews

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