Barlow's Cayman

Written mainly for a local audience of expats and natives, although increasingly for overseas visitors on a broad variety of topics. Pretty much uniquely, it reports on "Cayman, warts and all". In recent times, I have gone outside my usual topics to cover a few incidents from my travelling days in the 1960s.

Blog language: English

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Gordon Barlow

Cayman Islands  expat living in Cayman Islands

  • Gender: Male
  • Move: Australia  Cayman Islands
  • Interest: writing, grandchildren, family history, human rights
  • About me: Born and brought up in Queensland, Australia, emigrated in 1963 to London, UK, then Toronto, Canada (married there), then Bahamas then Australia (Perth), then New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) then High Wycombe, UK, for the birth of our child, then six months in Spain (Fuengirola) , then Bath, UK, then Cayman Islands in 1978 which is now our home. In Cayman I'm a retired accountant and trust-company manager who used to write provocative newspaper columns but now only a personal blog; I am also a former Manager and sometime Director of the local Chamber of Commerce. My wife is a former teacher and paralegal. Our son and his three children live in Norway.

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