The storm and the rainbow

This is my second blog. It was born in Sept 2010 as a bereavement blog following the death of my unborn son. It was in English. Over the years it evolved into a place where I share stories about my expat life.

Lingua del blog: Italiano

2Vota[Hits: 404 - Added: 20-04-15]




Italy  espatriato Che vivono in Texas

  • Di genere: Donna
  • Compleanno: 20-09-74
  • Sposta: Italia  Stati Uniti
  • Interessi: travel, capoeira, scuba diving, science, parenting
  • Informazioni su di me: I am an italian scientist and mum who lives in Houston (TX). I left Italy almost 10 years ago, moved to London for a postdoc and never went home. For a number of (un)fortunate events, I am now in the US with my husband and a few kids (between earth and sky) and a few stories to tell.
  • Social networks: Facebook


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