Sometimes it´s hard to be a Woman

Sometimes it´s hard to be a Woman, can be harder if you are an english farmer wife, and a mad Peruvian living in the Czech Republic. I am a mother, I love cats and put a lot of chillies in my food, the same as in my articles

Idioma del blog: Español

1Voto[Hits: 404 - Added: 17-11-11]




Peru  expatriado vivir en República Checa

  • Sexo: Mujer
  • Itinerario: Perú  República Checa
  • Interés: Blogging, writting, reading, travelling, cooking
  • Sobre mi: Hi, My name is Lisbhit Fajardo-England, I am peruvian living in the Czech Republic since 2000. I am a PR and social media professional and do voluntary work for the International Foundation Autism "Mi Mundo". I am married to an english farmer and have a family of 3 wonderful children, 3 cats, 1 dog and we love to be a multicultural family.
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