Tex Pat Brat

Travel Tips & Experiences of ExPats from Texas…whether it be tips on where to stay for a photographic safari in Africa or hot to do London on the cheap, we want to help others, based on what we are learning being an expat. We are surrounded by friends from over 65 countries and we have learned so much about their cultures and their home places.


Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in Cambridge

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Usa  United Kingdom
  • Interest: Travel, Photography, Cooking, Rowing, Family, Scottie Dogs
  • About me: Although we are from Texas, hence the name www.texpatbrat.wordpress.com, we have lived in 9 states in the US and have traveled to numerous countries, some remote and some not so remote. With just 3 weeks notice we sold everything, moved to the UK and began our expat life. Our blog is focused on helping people travel better and learn more about the expat experience, from our Texas perspective. We may pay $5 for a gallon of milk but we can also get to France on less than $25 and that changes your life. We are embracing life as a TexPatBrat. We have invited other TexPats to join in sharing their experiences on our blog.

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