Running Across the Pond

I'm trading Florida's sun and sea for English tea! Follow my journey as I become an expat across the pond all while training for my first half marathon!

Blog language: English

Key words: expat, running, photos, england, races
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US American US American expat living in the United Kingdom

  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 15-08-90
  • Move: Usa  United Kingdom
  • Interest: running, owls, all things British
  • About me: I'm Taylor, a 22 year old expat who traded Miami for England to be with a wonderful man with an accent. I like to think that I fit in great in my new home because I eat grilled to-MAH-toes for breakfast and fully understand the game of cricket. But I will always be that American girl who gets forced to say typical American phrases at parties. I enjoy running and want to do a half marathon in the near future. I also collect anything with an owl on it.

Expat interviews

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