Invading Holland

The story of an accident prone Englishman living in Holland (with cartoons by the author)

Blog language: English

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UK British UK British expat living in Amsterdam

  • Gender: Male
  • Move: United Kingdom  Netherlands
  • Interest: Movies, resding, computer games, improv, writing
  • About me: I'm an Englishman in his early 30s with a well documented reputation for accident proneness and bizarre situation finding. I moved to Holland in the summer of 2001 to start working as a designer in the computer games industry. Originally this was only supposed to be a stay of sixth months but the tempting lure of lekkere bitterballen and good beer has turned it into a much longer stay. My favorite colour is army green, my lucky number is seven and when I grow up I want to be a Ghostbuster.
  • Social networks: Twitter Facebook Google+ Instagram

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