This my own place, a small site where I will write down my ideas, my likes, my dislikes, all these little things that create my days. [Hits: 404 - Added: 11-02-09]
The Modern Immigrant Experiene [Hits: 407 - Added: 21-02-16]
Celt & Kiwi is a travel and lifestyle website curated by Tiernan and Rachel Ennis (the Celt and the Kiwi, respectively). We are advocates for slow,... [Hits: 405 - Added: 28-07-18]
A blog documenting the relocation/transition process for an American family of five (and two scrappy labradoodles). [Hits: 404 - Added: 09-06-15]
Expat housewife - two very young children - in Ireland since 2007. I absolutely love this place, but after five years living here, my most repeated questions... [Hits: 404 - Added: 04-04-12]
I blog about expat life, personal finance, frugal living and travel, and moving towards location independence and financial independence. I believe people can... [Hits: 405 - Added: 16-06-17]
Yet another expat blog with lot of travel stories from around the Ireland and the world. :) [Hits: 404 - Added: 16-12-15]
I write about exploring Ireland, travels, psychology, photography, expat life, baking, relationships, life advice, along with so many other things! [Hits: 404 - Added: 12-08-17]
In our blog we are eager to share our impressions and discoveries made about Ireland, which has become our second Home. The main features we admire are... [Hits: 404 - Added: 30-09-10]
Molly Does Adulting is a lifestyle blog about food, parenting, travel, and my life in Ireland in general. [Hits: 404 - Added: 06-04-21]
Miles and points are a fantastic way to significantly save on travel, with opportunities to earn complimentary upgrades. We save thousands on travel each year cashing them in for international flights... read more
Posted on 31 January 2025 | 9:54 pm
Wanderlust Marriage Travel
I have been dreading this weekend since early November. This last weekend. On Monday, the US becomes a country I no longer recognize or understand. I’m feeling so sad and so scared about what is... read more
Posted on 18 January 2025 | 10:43 am
The New Dubliner
It's hard to believe that we said good-bye to Bill five whole years ago. Half a decade! We miss him a lot. Five years ago, I meant to post the eulogy that I gave for him, but I never got around to it.... read more
Posted on 17 November 2022 | 5:37 pm
Read Me Sometimes, Think of Me Often.
An update on life during COVID 413 days in. Pandemic fatigue abounds in Ireland as we watch other countries return to normal life.... read more
Posted on 6 April 2021 | 1:36 pm
Molly Does Adulting
Wexford was settled by Vikings in AD 795, making it one of the first large towns in Ireland (alongside Dublin, Cork, Waterford and Limerick). So what better to do on a visit to Wexford but seek out so... read more
Posted on 25 August 2020 | 3:15 pm
Celt & Kiwi
As we continue our staycations with one-day trips around Dublin, last week we visited Co. Meath.So many things to see and do in this area of the island! And being so close to Co. Dublin, where w... read more
Posted on 10 August 2020 | 8:42 pm
It’s been a while since I wrote anything, but I’ll keep all good excuses for some other post. This one will be about a greatest discovery of the past month. 🙂 At least I think it&r... read more
Posted on 3 May 2020 | 9:25 pm
I was inspired to travel by my family. I remember riding in the car along the winding mountainside in Southern California with Papa (my granddad) simultaneously driving and pointing down […]... read more
Posted on 4 February 2020 | 1:26 am
Travel Morgan Travel
... read more
Posted on 14 October 2019 | 9:31 am
Gracefully Expat
Hello there!! I know it's been ages since I have written anything here, so I will dive right in. I'm so excited to be writing again, and sharing about our fun trip!Alright, so it was Valentines Day We... read more
Posted on 24 February 2019 | 7:13 pm
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