Gringos in Paradise

Gringos in Paradise documents the joys and challenges of retiring to and living in Costa Rica. From expat insights, monthly budgeting to the humor of everyday life, this blog hopes to capture the flavor of Costa Rica as Paul and Marilyn settle into their community and navigate daily life and customs in their adopted country.

Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in Costa Rica

  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 20-08-51
  • Move: Usa  Costa Rica
  • Interest: Costa Rica, writing, cooking, learning Spanish, horses and equine ther
  • About me: Marilyn Stevens and Paul Hastings retired from teaching English as a Second Language in May of 2013 and moved to Costa Rica in October 2013. They live in a farming community in the mountains above the Central Valley town of Grecia, surrounded by coffee plantations, cow pastures and natural beauty. Former writers, editors and video producers, they blog about their experiences as "Gringos in Paradise" on their blog paulandmarilynretire.blogspot.-com. One of the highlights of their blog is their monthly expenses post. They want to share their experiences of retiring to and living in Costa Rica to provide a perspective that might be helpful to others considering such a move. They are committed to learning Spanish so they can better interact with their Tico neighbors and friends.
  • Social networks: Facebook


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