The Tao of Me

I write about daily life in Brazil and in Houston, our travels all over the world, adventures in expat life, memories, events and whatever else comes to mind. I never go anywhere without a camera so you'll see tons of photos of all of it.

Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in Brazil

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Usa  Brazil
  • Interest: Travel, photography
  • About me: I am an American originally from California, married to a beautiful Scotsman and living in a small beach town in Brazil. We came here for my husband's job. I have two teenage children who live in Houston, TX with their dad. I travel back there to visit them for several months each year, and they visit us here. My husband came here first in November of 2007 when we were just beginning to date. I stayed behind in Houston with my kids and we managed to fall madly in love and survive 2.5 years of a long distance relationship. I moved to Brazil in August of 2010, and we eloped in the US Virgin Islands in December. Life is good, and complicated, and unpredictable. We travel a lot, we meet hordes of new people, and we love the adventure.


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