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Search result: 7


A Big Life

This blog is about what happened when I tried to make life a little more interesting by moving to Europe after my studies. I had planned on a stint in Germany's...
[Hits: 405 - Added: 24-03-12]


Adventures in the Czech Republic

Begun in 2007 this blog combines posts about life in a small Bohemian village near Cesky Krumlov with wider observations of Czech life and customs. As I ran a...
[Hits: 405 - Added: 03-07-17]


Circuit Rider CZ

The blog describes my self-imposed challenge to cycle around the entire border of the Czech Republic. For me it's an aid to planning and a record of my journey....
[Hits: 404 - Added: 13-04-10]


Middle europe

According to good old Wikipedia the term Middle Europe is obsolete or rarely used – Central Europe is the usual term. However when visiting a friend in...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 16-06-15]


Life After TEFL Worldwide Prague

These 4 individuals all started their teaching and traveling abroad journey in the same place: at TEFL Worldwide Prague. Here, they underwent an intense, 4-week...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 06-11-12]


Sometimes it´s hard to be a Woman

Sometimes it´s hard to be a Woman, can be harder if you are an english farmer wife, and a mad Peruvian living in the Czech Republic. I am a mother, I love cats...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 17-11-11]


Beyond Prague

Beyond Prague has the primary goal of showing what the Czech Republic has to offer a visitor who dares to venture outside the capital city. There's an amazing...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 21-07-16]


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