Philippines : now I live here !

wants to be a meeting point for those who have in mind what they want to do but don't know what they are up against in doing so, I want to provide my experience also hoping can serve someone else and I want to communicate love for the beautiful things of this country.

Blog language: English

37Vote[Hits: 185 - Added: 22-01-13]



rocchi davide

Italy  expat living in Philippines

  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 16-04-56
  • Move: Italy  Philippines
  • Interest: musica sociologia storia cultura viaggi sport
  • About me: hello, I come from bologna and I'm a 57 year old who has decided to take the plunge after having meditated for a long time. Now I'm calm, as is my family. We found a beautiful island from all points of view and we are happy. But it was not easy .....

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