International Mel

International Mel is your average everyday Midwestern girl. For the last 15 years I've lived in Southern California and worked in Corporate America full time. In 2001, I traveled to Africa and my life changed forever. I caught the travel bug. It has taken many years to work up the courage (and save enough money) to make the decision to travel full time, but I have just taken the next step in this adventure. This blog will record my transition from the safety and security of a steady paycheck to the wild world of a full-time traveler. I hope will provide travel inspiration and support for others with the bug, particularly solo female travelers, like me!

Blog language: English

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International Mel

US American US American expat living in Nicaragua

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Usa  Nicaragua
  • Interest: travel, globetrotting, location independent living
  • About me: After years of planning my escape from corporate America, I’ve taken the next step, quit my job to travel the world, live a location independent lifestyle and soak up some adventure. My blog provides travel inspiration and support, particularly for solo female travelers, like me!
  • Social networks: Twitter Facebook

Expat interviews

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