Find Me A Break

Reviews | Dubai, UAE

Blog language: English

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Philippines  expat living in the United Arab Emirates

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Philippines  United Arab Emirates
  • Interest: Travel, Food, Pugs
  • About me: My name is Myla. I am a Filipino expat living in Dubai for almost two years and counting. I’m currently working as a Researcher in a News Services Company. I have a strong passion for photography, music, pugs and art. Living in Dubai opened many doors for me. I have learned how to really enjoy the experience of eating. I owe it big time from: working in an Italian restaurant and my foodie boyfriend. I now know how to appreciate different cuisines such as Korean, Japanese, Indian, French,Italian, American and many more. I am a fan of spicy food. As much as possible I carry my Tabasco anywhere I go (but not really). Btw, I adore pugs – for me they are the humblest creature on the planet. This blog is my journey of discovery as I swap country living in a big city. I hope to contribute knowledge for anyone wanting to visit as I explore the gorgeous city of Dubai.
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