Spend Life Traveling

A combination of posts about life as an expat, traveling the world and some of the destinations I have visited all over the world. If you are thinking about living abroad, working abroad or traveling the world this might give you some inspiration. And feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


Blog language: English

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Netherlands  expat living in The Hague

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Netherlands  Netherlands
  • Interest: Living and working abroad and traveling the world
  • About me: Hi, my name is Sanne, born and raised in The Netherlands. I started SpendLifeTraveling.com to be able to share some of my experiences traveling the world and living as an expat. I first moved abroad in 2002, when I spent a summer working in Spain. That experience changed me. It showed me there is a big world out there to explore... By now I have lived and worked all over the world and I love to share my experiences and all the things I have learned with other people interested in traveling and living abroad.
  • Social networks: Twitter Facebook Pinterest Instagram


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