the Land in Between

I just moved to Northern Laos along with my husband and two small kids. I blog about life, health and raising a family abroad in a photo journalistic style.

Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in Laos

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Usa  Laos
  • Interest: photography, health, paleo, culture, living abroad
  • About me: Hi, I’m Melissa.  My husband, Ryan and I have just taken a job in Northern Laos and have moved here with our two kids, Talia (4.5) and Elise (2).   We wanted something different than the average American life, so four years ago we said goodbye to friends and family and moved to Southeast Asia to begin living and working here. We’ve been living here in Southeast Asia for the last four years and have moved around a bit, but Northern Laos is one of the most rural and interesting places we’ve ever lived. I would love for this blog to give me opportunities to connect with YOU and learn from your ideas and experiences as well. So why "the Land in Between"?  The Land in Between is the tagline for Laos, a country surrounded by other countries.  It's also a bit symbolic of how my life feels... not living in my home country, and trying to become part of another - caught in between. I plan to share some of my daily life, learning to live in a very different place, what I do to keep myself and my family hea
  • Social networks: Twitter Google+

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