Shanghai Shangrila

Shanghai Shangrila is an ongoing story about the decision to leave our lives in Los Angeles for something much different: Shanghai, China. We hope to use this platform to talk about the process of making the move and the overall experience of living in China. The idea is that we might make it easier for people to travel here by passing along helpful information. We hope you enjoy our story as much as we enjoy living it!

Blog language: English

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US American US American expat living in China

  • Gender: Female
  • Move: Usa  China
  • Interest: Architecture, Blogging
  • About me: I am an Architect from the United States who came to China to continue my career internationally. When we moved, my boyfriend and I decided to start a blog about our journey east. We've loved living and working in Shanghai and hope others will be inspired to take a leap of faith as well and move to wherever their hearts desire.


Expat interviews

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