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Search result: 520


chasing heartbeats

Documenting what happens when a California girl moves to a small city in Germany's Black Forest, meets the love of her life, marries him and moves to Berlin. ...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 25-03-10]


Aphrodites Schatten ~ Zypern jenseits der Idylle

Christiane Sternberg, Jahrgang 1965, lebt als freie Journalistin in Zypern. Vom vereinten Berlin zog sie ins geteilte Nikosia wieder an die Mauer. Sie berichtet...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 30-05-12]


The Lou Messugo Blog

I blog about all things French, culture, history, traditions, food particularly to do with the area I live in, the south. I write about anecdotes from my life...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 03-04-13]


Flavia's Weekly

After living in 4 different countries in more different places that I can count, I decided to share my experiences and what I've learned through the years.
[Hits: 404 - Added: 08-03-15]


Cross Cultural Family

The living experiment of growing a cross cultural, multilingual family.
[Hits: 404 - Added: 23-11-18]

Category: Expat life Diary


World Tree Coaching

I focus on personal development and helping people maximize their potential while living a life in transition. In my blog I write about my own experiences while...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 28-07-14]

Category: Expat life


TofEtMel - Australia Blog - Australie Blog

Notre blog en Australie, voyages, carnet de route et de vie de Christophe et Melanie partis en Australie avec un Working Holiday Visa puis un sponsorship à...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 14-06-11]


Brave Or Just Crazy

As a mother of three, with a traveling husband, I will tell you, life in my house is never dull. Join me as I explore our new surroundings in Singapore, travel...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 30-11-12]


Paint by Pursuit

Because I love traveling, writing, and art, I have decided to combine the three. I often paint the places I visit. I then express all my expat explorations in a...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 28-07-14]


Midstream Musings

An American in the UK; I started my expat blog in 2010 to chronicle the year of upheaval that saw me turn 40, get married, move house, and country! Several...
[Hits: 404 - Added: 20-11-15]

Category: Expat life


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