Novo monde

Nous avons démarré ce blog pour partager nos expérience sur notre expatriation en Autriche ainsi que partager notre préparation de notre projet de tour du monde planifié pour 2013-2014. Nous partageons sur notre blog nos meilleurs moments dans la capitale autrichienne ainsi que nos expériences de voyages. Vous trouverez sur ce blog des astuces pour économiser en voyage, les plus endroits du monde à visiter et bien sûr nos plus belles photos et récits de notre tour du monde. We started our blog to share our experiences in Vienna (Austria) and also to share the preparation of our up to come world tour (planed for June 2013- June 2014. On this blog we share our greatest moment in the austrian capital, as well as our past traveling experiences. You will find here our tips and tricks to save money while traveling, the best places to visit all over the world and of course pictures and stories from our world tour project

Langue du blog: Français

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Switzerland  expatrié vivant à Vienne

  • Sexe: Femme
  • Parcours: Suisse  Autriche
  • Intérêts: voyage, tour du monde, blogging, vins du monde, high tech
  • A propos: We are a young couple coming from Switzerland. After our studies we decided to move to Vienna (Austria) to get our first professional experience. We are currently preparing our trip around the world which will start after our austrian adventure! ;) Fabienne studied economics and is currently working in a start-up company (in marketing) and Benoit studied beomechanical engineering and is working as a research assistant at the technical university of Vienna


Entretiens d'expatriés

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