Cebu Focused Living in the Philippines

Its over 10,000 pages with active users of about 2000 unique per day. I blog about my life my life in the Philippines, try to influence the thinking of others but usually don't manage to pull that off. :) If I have them thinking, I've done my job. Plus I try to help people make the move and many have. I try to provide good and accurate information but always remind, there's a lot of opinion in there. Its my life in the Philippines through my eyes. The good, the bad and sometimes the mundane.

Blog language: English

1Vote[Hits: 405 - Added: 22-04-12]




US American US American expat living in Manila

  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 22-01-59
  • Move: Usa  Philippines
  • Interest: Photography, Culture, Travel, Blogging
  • About me: Hi, I am an American living in Cebu Philippines since Feb. of 2008. I'm having the time of my life and have increased my opportunities in life by living in the Philippines. I retired early do to health issues and the lowered income wouldn't have gone far in the USA. I'm not rich in the Philippines but I have a good life here. I like to present a balanced view of the expat life in a developing nation. Don't hype the positive or the negative. I wish to inform with good and useful information. I blog mostly at B-TW, I am in the Philippines but I'm often on a VPN as it speeds up my connection.

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