Lioness in Japan

The ups and downs of expat life, trailing partner issues, food, travel, and Japanese culture. It's a way to keep in touch with friends back home and all over the world, plus it's a corner for me to showcase my work. But really, I'm just a restless spirit looking for great adventures and fabulous food.

Blog language: English

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Singapore  expat living in Tokyo

  • Gender: Female
  • Birthday: 21-08-78
  • Move: Singapore  Japan
  • Interest: Tokyo expat life, trailing partner issues, health, beauty, travel, wor
  • About me: An ex-journo and former techno phobe from Singapore living in Tokyo, I worked in print media for six years until I moved countries in 2006 and used the Internet as a way to have a viable, mobile career. Now, I'm a blogger on the go who runs an online beauty biz from wherever I might be. I never thought I would ever morph into a web chick - but here I am.


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